The Alpha of Data

Jela Nalica
2 min readOct 31, 2020


China being the Alpha of AI, and our future after AlphaGo

Photo by zhang kaiyv on Unsplash

Before becoming an FTW Scholar, I am already aware of the advances in technology especially in the manufacturing industry since this is where I’m involved now. I’ve also attended numerous seminars on topics about the 4th Industrial Revolution and what’s in it for us in the industry. These seminars usually talked about automation, sensors, robots, and other innovations that can improved work. However, while I’m on this journey of becoming a data scientist, my perspective about the 4th Industrial Revolution also change. Now, for me it's all about Data, and it's a revolution of bringing the best out of it. In fact, all these complicated, smart, and cool technology won’t happen without data.

Data is the new fuel, and China has the most of it using it to their advantage. I mean, why not? We all know how fast China is when it comes to making new things happen. This is very apparent why most things I have now are made from China. Now, their also getting ahead with Artificial Intelligence (AI) because they have so much Data to power them. It’s not impossible that maybe soon we’ll be enjoying AI stuffs too.

China may not be the first who discovered AI but it doesn't matter. At this period, its a competition of using AI to its full potential. As Mr. Kai-Fu Lee states, “We’re not in the age of discovery; we’re in the age of implementation, we’re in the age of data.” Knowing this actually made smile cause I know after I graduate I could be involved in this competition too.

Another amazing thing about what AI can do can be watched in the AlphaGo documentary. This hour and a half documentary kept me so excited from start to end, and I highly recommend that you should watch it too. It’s not just about AI and the fancy things it can do. It’s also about how AI can help us be a better version of ourselves.

The documentary also got me wishing to be part of a team like Deepminds, and made me download the Chinese Go game in my computer.

After reading all these articles about how China is winning the global competition in AI, and watching the documentary on AlphaGo, I wonder if the Philippines is coping up with this? Are we Filipinos aware of these?


Should I consider learning mandarin too?



Jela Nalica
Jela Nalica

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